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Last Updated:

2024-10-13 08:11:09


WordPress Arena, aka, is a 15-year-old WordPress tutorial, review and how-to site. The site is famous for covering some in-depth tutorials with over 5000 words and is mentioned by almost all the industry leaders in the WordPress market.

Please let me know if you want to publish a story, news, article or even a review on WordPress Arena. I have been in touch with the team for over 3 years. The site maintains quality, and the editorial process is rigorous. So kindly get in touch with me before placing any orders.

WordPress Arena is almost ranked on the top keywords for all its stories. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

The domain authority is above 66.
Traffic is above 75k visitors with 50%+ in the US.

Coverage Types: Editorial Pitch, Product Reviews, Listicles, Addition in existing listicles. Story publication, Product Analysis, Video Publishing,

Product Reviews: You can send us the products to review. We review digital products. However, you must send them for proper testing, usage, and more.

Youtube Coverage: WPArena has a dedicated channel. You can either outsource your videos and publish them to YT or order us to make a video along with the publication. For a video quote, contact us.

Interview: We have a set of questions and some specifically crafted questions to interview you and publish on WPArena.

Additional services

  • Write and Publish under Editorial process.
    Links as per needed
  • Social Media Sharing
    Share on Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Facebook @TechEngage to 80,000+ Followers